On January 15, 2025, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it has updated its policy guidance to clarify how the agency evaluates eligibility for the second preference employment-based (EB-2) classification for immigrant petitions filed with a request for a national interest waiver (NIW).

The new guidance explains that for advanced degree professionals seeking an NIW, USCIS considers whether the occupation in which the petitioner proposes to advance an endeavor is a profession and, if applicable, whether the five years of post-bachelor’s experience is in the specialty. The guidance also states that for persons of exceptional ability seeking an NIW, the exceptional ability must relate to the endeavor proposed as part of the NIW request. USCIS said it determines the relationship of exceptional ability to the proposed endeavor “on a case-by-case basis, considering any shared skillsets, knowledge, or expertise.”

In addition, the new guidance—which builds on a previous Policy Manual update that discussed the unique considerations for persons with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields and entrepreneurs—provides information about how USCIS evaluates whether a proposed endeavor has national importance and explains how the agency evaluates evidence, such as letters of support and business plans, when determining whether a person is well-positioned to advance an endeavor.

This guidance, in Volume 6, Part F, Chapter 5 of the Policy Manual, applies to requests pending or filed on or after the publication date. The guidance is controlling and supersedes any related prior guidance, USCIS said.