Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by the Verge in What Scotus Just Did to Broadband, the Right to Repair, the Environment, and More. He said, “In the past, employers have had a hard time overturning narrow interpretations of H-1B issues because of Chevron deference. Now, however, people who feel that the agency is too stingy in its interpretation of various visa categories may be more likely to seek court review.” The article notes that “[t]he effects of this patchwork system will not be felt immediately, nor will they be felt evenly.” Steve said, “A lot needs to be worked out, and it will be confusing and complicated for several years.”

Steve was quoted by Law360 in Justices’ SEC Ruling Unlikely to Bear on Immigration Actions (available by registration). Commenting on the Supreme Court’s ruling in SEC v. Jarkesy, Steve said, “Justice Roberts noted several categories of cases concerning public rights, including immigration law. In such cases, agency penalties do not require a jury trial.”

Steve was quoted by Univision in Debate: Biden and Trump’s Immigration Policies Clash on Everything and Agree on Nothing (in Spanish with English translation available). He said, “Biden favors legal immigration; Trump wants to deport the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants. They both want to control our borders, but Trump is willing to go further than Biden to close the border.” He noted that “no matter who wins the White House, they will inherit a failed immigration system.” Steve noted that “[t]here is a lot a president can do to improve immigration policies through executive actions. Ultimately, Congress needs to enact immigration reform. That may be easier or more difficult depending on which party wins the House of Representatives and the Senate.”

Steve was quoted by Newsday in Migrant Crisis: Hope and Uncertainty for Ecuadorian Man Returning to New York City (available by subscription). Steve observed that President Biden toughened asylum restrictions on June 4, 2024, but “Julio [Zambrano] came in before these recent changes, so it doesn’t affect him.” Lawyers are critical in asylum and other immigration hearings, he said. “If he has an attorney, his chances of winning are going to be much higher than if he tries to do it on his own. Which judge Mr. Zambrano ends up getting also can make a huge difference, Steve said. “Some judges in New York are pretty lenient on asylum cases, and others are very tough. As one person called it, it’s refugee roulette.”