Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by in Ecuadoran Accused of Killing Woman in Syracuse Was Waiting in U.S. for Immigration Hearing (available by subscription). He discussed what happens when a person crosses the border, with the overarching question of whether a person will be released into the United States or sent back. He noted that those requesting asylum will be asked whether they have a credible fear of persecution in their home country. If the answer is yes and the person provides an answer that doesn’t seem “frivolous,” they are let go with a court date and can remain in the United States while their asylum application is pending. Later they need to appear in immigration court and convince an immigration judge that their fear is based on one of the asylum grounds to remain in the United States, Steve explained. In the case discussed in the article, the man accused of the murder, if convicted, is likely to serve a long sentence and be deported after completing it. “It’s clear that now he has come to the attention of the immigration authorities. No matter what happens with the criminal trial, he’s got immigration issues he’s going to have to deal with.”