Steve was quoted by the Chronicle of Philanthropy (registration required) in As Election Nears, Four Freedoms Fund Seeks $5 Million to Support Immigrants. Among other things, the article discusses Path2Papers, a nonprofit project at Cornell University Law School, which recently received $1.5 million from the Crankstart Foundation to offer free consultations to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients in the San Francisco, California, area who are seeking work visa options. The article notes that Path2Papers “has done more than 400 consultations, finding that more than half of DACA recipients it worked with may be eligible for a work visa.” “While that is a great start, it is a drop in the bucket compared to the over 500,000 DACA holders in the U.S.,” Steve said. He also noted that courts consider immigration cases very complex to adjudicate.