Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by Newsday in “Most Asylum-Seeking Migrants Arriving in New York City Unlikely To Be Able To Stay in U.S. Legally.” He said, “[U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] simply doesn’t have enough enforcement resources to be able to find everyone who is here illegally and pick them up, so some percentage of people will be able to live out their lives in the United States, even though they don’t have legal status.” Regarding credible fear screenings, Mr. Steve said, “if somebody says, ‘I was fleeing gang violence in El Salvador,’ then maybe that person has a potential claim,” but “if someone says, ‘I’m here because I want to make money for my family in El Salvador because they’re poor,’ that’s simply not an asylum claim and therefore that person would not pass the credible-fear interview and would be expeditiously removed.” If they’re denied asylum, he said, “the vast majority would not be able to stay, because they’ve exhausted their bases for trying to stay legally.” Read the article here.