On May 9, 2022, Bloomberg Law published “Tourism Industry Rebound Hampered by Long Visa Processing Delays.” The article notes that international travel to the United States is not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024 at the earliest, in large part because of long visa wait times in some of the largest markets for international travel to the United States. For example, the article notes, as of May 2022 inbound travelers can expect to wait 702 days in Guadalajara, Mexico; 354 days in Sao Paulo, Brazil; and 643 days in Bogota, Colombia. International visitors “typically make up about half of business and tourist travel to the Miami area,” two-thirds of which is from South American countries. Securing visas through the Department of State “has become a major hurdle for international tourists and business travelers, foreign workers, and immigrants seeking family-based green cards,” the article states. Find the article here.