Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by Spectrum News in “Several Democrats Side With Republicans to Keep Border Restrictions.” Steve noted that the Trump administration said “that for public health reasons they were going to turn back most people who tried to enter from Mexico into the United States, if they did not already have a valid visa like a tourist visa. Title 42 is sort of like a garden hose that has been bottled up. All the people that would normally come in at regular flows over the years have been sort of stymied and held up at the border. And of course, if they lift title 42, that surge now is going to be coming across the border and temporarily could pose problems for the Border Patrol. I think that people should be aware that there will be a surge at the border at the termination of Title 42 but part of that is because of the normal seasonal surge that always happens this time of year.” Find the full article here.