Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr authored an op-ed published by The Hill, “Ending Title 42 Won’t Cause Immigration Mayhem—It Will Restore Order.” Find the article here.

Steve was quoted by Univision in “Forced Separation of Families at the Border, the Mark of Terror That Still Persists.” He said, “The forced separation of families during the Trump administration violated the due process rights of families. Many of them are now suing the U.S. government for damages. The forced separation also set a bad precedent, both for future presidents and for leaders of other countries, who might try the same.” He noted that criminal proceedings against asylum seekers and others trying to enter the United States “also set a bad precedent. People fleeing persecution have the right under U.S. and international law to apply for asylum. U.S. law allows criminal prosecutions against others who try to enter the country illegally, but such prosecutions do not deter desperate people. Instead, we need smart border management and more temporary work visas to allow people to legally enter the United States.” Find the article here (Spanish with English translation available).