On September 21, 2022, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that it entered into another four settlements to resolve claims that companies discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by posting job opportunities with unlawful citizenship status restrictions on college job recruiting platforms. The four agreements add to DOJ’s recent settlements with 16 other companies to resolve similar claims, bringing the total civil penalty amount for all 20 employers to over $1.1 million. The latest four companies include CarMax, Axis Analytics, Capital One Bank, and Walmart.

DOJ said its involvement began after a Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) student, who was a lawful permanent resident at the time, filed a discrimination complaint with the Civil Rights Division’s Immigrant and Employee Rights Section. The student’s complaint alleged that Capital One Bank restricted a paid internship opportunity only to U.S. citizens when it posted the job on a Georgia Tech job recruitment platform. DOJ said that during its investigation, the agency learned about “dozens of other facially discriminatory advertisements employers posted on Georgia Tech’s job recruiting platform as well as other platforms operated by colleges across the United States.”

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