Roberta Jacobson, whom President Biden appointed as Special Assistant to the President and Coordinator for the Southwest Border, plans to leave the position at the end of April, as the number of migrants attempting to cross the border is surging. She had committed to serve for the first 100 days of the Biden administration, according to an April 9, 2021, statement from Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor.

Ms. Jacobson, formerly U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, “launched our renewed efforts with the Northern Triangle nations of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” and “underscored this Administration’s commitment to reenergizing the U.S. immigration system.” Ms. Jacobson had said the Biden administration “plans to approach U.S. companies about increasing investment in Mexico and Central America to try to reduce migration.”

President Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead “efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle,” Mr. Sullivan said. He added that Vice President Harris will oversee “a whole-of-government approach supported by outstanding public servants across the interagency including Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, who were tasked by the President at the beginning of the administration to rebuild our immigration system.” Vice President Harris is expected to use diplomacy in her efforts rather than being responsible for the border, according to reports.

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