Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was interviewed by the World Journal* this week about recent immigration changes. He noted that many immigrants have not been tested for coronavirus for fear of deportation under the new public charge rule. Although those who have already obtained permanent residency and naturalized citizens are not be affected by the new public charge rule, many of them are afraid to seek any public benefits out of fear and confusion.
Steve also commented on a proposed new rule on asylum procedures published on June 15. He said the proposed change will substantially hurt asylum applicants who don’t have an attorney to help them. Steve also predicted more immigration restrictions coming this summer or fall, adding that these changes cannot be reversed immediately even if Trump is not re-elected in November. As such, the U.S. immigrant population will remain stagnant or even decline in following years, which will “significantly hurt America’s position in the global economic competition.”
* The World Journal claims to be the most influential Chinese-language media company in the United States. The World Journal is published daily in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Dallas and distributed nationally.