Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr co-authored a new report, “Recruiting for the Future: A Realistic Road to a Points-Tested Visa Program in the U.S.” Links to the report and a related slide deck are available at The report (, was discussed in several news outlets:

Steve was quoted by Univision in “El servicio de inmigración pospone hasta finales de agosto la suspensión de miles de empleados,” about USCIS’ postponement of furloughs for its employees. Mr. Yale-Loehr said that if a fee hike materializes, the citizenship process would suffer an 83% increase and in general the average hike would be 10% in all the services provided by the agency. The article (in Spanish) can be found here.

Steve was quoted by Vox in “The Trump Administration is Refusing to Fully Reinstate DACA.” Commenting on two possible alternatives for the Trump administration to terminate DACA, he said, “Neither alternative is likely to terminate the DACA program before the presidential election in November. This makes the election even more important than before. If President Trump wins reelection, he will have another four years to try to terminate the DACA program.” The article can be found here.

Steve was quoted by Univision in “Expertos aseguran que el cierre de la frontera para solicitantes de asilo empeora la pandemia del coronavirus.” Commenting on proposed asylum restrictions, he said, “This proposed new rule will radically restrict the ability of people fleeing persecution to obtain asylum in the United States,” and that it would “allow immigration judges to deny asylum applications without a hearing if they lack certain evidence.” Mr. Yale-Loehr said the new rule “would particularly harm applicants without an attorney. This proposed rule is the dream of someone who hates asylum. It would gut the United States asylum system and ultimately very few people would be able to get it.” The article (in Spanish) can be found here.