Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by Study International in “International Students in U.S. Universities Can Get Paid for Online Jobs.” Mr. Yale-Loehr said, “Arguably, if a university hires someone to work overseas, the institution has to comply with the tax and labor laws of that country. That can be complicated, depending on the country. However, I don’t know of any visa-related reasons why a university can’t employ a non-citizen overseas, as long as the work is properly documented and the employee and the university comply with the relevant visa rules.” The article can be found here.
Steve was quoted by Inside Higher Ed in “Want Your Stipend? Come to the U.S. First.” The quote is the same as that above for Study International.
Steve was quoted by Univision in “Se acaba el plazo para comentar nuevas regulaciones de asilo propuestas por el gobierno de Trump” (“Deadline to Comment on New Asylum Regulations Proposed by the Trump Administration”). Mr. Yale-Loehr said, “This new proposed rule will radically restrict the ability of people fleeing persecution to obtain asylum in the United States.”