Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted in several media this week:·
- “El servicio de immigracion reduce de inmigración reduce trámites por falta de presupuesto, pero niega atrasos,” Univision. (English translation: “If USCIS has to temporarily close operations due to lack of funds, immigration applications will not be decided. This would delay immigrants applying for loved ones abroad and create havoc for temporary visa workers seeking to extend their stay. Employers would be unable to obtain approved applications for necessary workers. It would also delay the approval of petitions to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, which means that those people will not be able to vote this year,” he added. The suspension, however, will not be prolonged. “USCIS could start working again when the new fiscal year begins, but even a one- or two-month delay in processing applications would create a real problem for thousands of immigrants and employers. And the backlog of undecided applications would create even longer processing times.” In USCIS’ request for money to Congress, it agrees to return it by collecting increased fees. Mr. Yale-Loehr said that if the increase occurs, the citizenship process will suffer an 83% increase and in general the average surcharge will be 10% in all the services provided by the agency.)·
- “Nueva política de asilo de Trump recibe miles de comentarios en contra y se avizoran demandas,” Univision. (English translation: The new rule proposed by the government “radically restricts the ability of people fleeing persecution to obtain asylum in the United States.” The plan also calls for “reviewing the rules of procedure to allow immigration judges to deny asylum applications without a hearing if they lack certain evidence This would particularly harm applicants without an attorney.” Mr. Yale-Loehr added, “This proposed rule is the dream of someone who hates asylum. It would eviscerate the asylum system and, in short, very few people could obtain it.”)
- “Trump no puede reformar el sistema migratorio solo,” Miami Diario.