On April 22, 2019, President Donald Trump issued a memorandum on “Combating High Nonimmigrant Overstay Rates.” Many of the measures mentioned in the memo are not law yet.
Among other things, the memo states:
- Visa overstay rates are “unacceptably high for nationals of certain countries.”
- The Secretary of State will “engage with the governments of countries with a total overstay rate greater than 10 percent in the combined B-1 and B-2…visa category,” with a goal of identifying conditions that contribute to “those overstay rates and methods to address those conditions.”
- Recommended measures to combat visa overstay include:
- “Suspending or limiting entry of nationals of those countries who hold B-1 or B-2 visas;”
- Imposing “targeted suspension of visa issuance for certain nationals; limits to duration of admission;” and
- Enforcing “additional documentary requirements.”
- Measures may be developed for imposing “admission bonds” to improve compliance with the terms/conditions of visas.
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