Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by Fox News in “As Border Wall Talks Continue, Agents Keep Finding Cross-Border Tunnels.”

The article includes a video interview with Mr. Yale-Loehr. Noting that a multi-pronged approach to border security is called for that includes better drones, more personnel, and electronic surveillance, he said, “I agree [that CBP has] increased their ability to find these tunnels but we keep finding new tunnels—it’s a never-ending problem. And no matter how much money you have or how many personnel you have, you’re never going to be 100 percent effective.”

Steve was quoted by Knowledge@Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, in “Exploring Immigration: Will the U.S. See Reform in 2019?

Mr. Yale-Loehr said, “Congress came close in 2013 with a comprehensive immigration reform package that was passed bi-partisanly through the Senate and was 1,200 pages, but it failed to clear the House of Representatives. It has been historically hard to get immigration through any Congress and it has become only harder in this more politicized environment.” He also commented, “People in Congress are saying if we could combine funding for border security, plus some relief for DACA recipients and some protection for people who have temporary protected status, we could see some movement on immigration. I hope that would be the case, but politically we may be unlikely to achieve that.” Mr. Yale-Loehr concluded, “We need comprehensive immigration reform. There are many broken parts to the immigration system. Just trying to fix one of them, whether it’s asylum or illegal immigration, isn’t going to work. We need to have an overall approach. The Senate tried to do this in 2013. We need to have a national conversation about what is the role of immigration and when immigration can help the United States so that we can come up with a new overall comprehensive framework. Then we can untangle some of the mess that we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

Steve was quoted by the Houston Chronicle in “With Inaction, Supreme Court Gives Longer Life to DACA as Shutdown Drags On.

Commenting on the U.S. Supreme Court’s declining to take up the Trump administration’s appeal in a “Dreamers” case, Mr. Yale-Loehr said, “I think it is very unlikely to be considered this term, which means DACA lives another 10 months.”

Steve was quoted by Voice of America regarding a H-1B column (in Vietnamese)