Miller Mayer immigration attorney Steve Yale-Loehr was quoted by Voice of America in “Complex U.S. Refugee Policies Likely to Limit Number of Afghan Admissions.” He said the Biden administration could use humanitarian parole, an existing refugee process, to allow Afghan refugees into the United States. “Humanitarian parole is used to bring someone who is not otherwise eligible to enter the country, or who does not have a visa, into the United States temporarily because of an emergency or urgent humanitarian reason,” he said. Read the article here

Steve was quoted by the Ritz Herald in “Afghan Refugees at Risk: Steps the White House Can Take to Help.” He suggested a variety of actions the Biden administration could take to help Afghan refugees. “The situation in Afghanistan requires a coordinated effort. We have done that before. For example, we evacuated more than 100,000 Vietnamese to Guam before and after the fall of Saigon in 1975. After an uprising in Hungary in 1956, we admitted approximately 38,000 refugees from that country. It is our moral duty to do it again for Afghans at risk,” he said. Read the article here.